Something exciting & new in shooting!

Something exciting & new in shooting! Hi again everybody, sorry it’s been sometime since our last blog. I’m going to make up for the lack of blog posts by bringing you an exciting new product! A month ago our companies founder John Reid was out on a shoot when a friend showed him some new glasses he’s just brought. He was so impressed with his new purchase that he insisted John try them out. Once John had put them on, he instantly understood what his friend was referring to. The speed at which the lenses adjusted to the sun was astonishing and John was so impressed that he called the office to tell us to order some in as soon as possible. I have to tell you that once they had arrived we really could see what all the fuss was about and I too was so impressed that I called up the company that makes them, KomodoPro to ask about the history of their glasses. Mick Bell at Komodopro kindly called up and told me the story behind this amazing product. Mick explain...